Peaceful Hearts

10 life changing steps to loosen up in lockdown!

You can expect to:

  • Discover how you can have peace of mind even if everyone else continues to panic around you
  • Learn the secret to fear proofing your life so you can focus and move forward in a state of Tawwakul (trusting in Allah)
  • Claim back your calm and connection in the chaos of children and other family members constantly under foot

You CAN regain your state of sanity, safety and security, and it all starts here!


A special invitation to my sister in Islam,


Have you ever felt ...


 ... like no matter what you do it always feels like there is never enough time for everything, that your life seems to be about chasing everyone else's agendas and not your own. 

That the stresses just keep piling on and you feel overwhelmed and frustrated.


And that as a result you end up being impatient and losing it at the ones you love and then really regretting it afterwards?


I have found that ...


... when we understand the truth of our human experience, along with an understanding of our beautiful Deen, life can be an amazing adventure, filled with clarity, confidence and inner calm. All the stresses and frustrations we have experienced in the past fall away.


In fact we are all OK, because ...


Allah tells us He will not burden us with more than we can bear


As a survivor of child sexual abuse, bullying, date rape and domestic abuse, I have been able to embrace a life filled with passion and purpose. I am no longer held back by the trauma of my past or the fears of my future. If this is possible for me, it is possible for you too!


Today I want to invite you to ...

... join me for the Peaceful Hearts online program where I will share with you the key to your emotional and spiritual health. 


Only chance to participate in this live online!

Yes, I am ready for a Peaceful Heart ...

95% OFF COVID-19 Offer (Regular Pricing $999)

  • Bonus 1 on 1 session with Kathryn ($499 value)

  • Lifetime access to Peaceful Hearts ($999 value)



Peaceful Hearts


Learn the secret of inner peace, resilience, effortless patiences, courage and confidence from an Islamic perspective.


“Verily, In the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” (Surah Rad, 28)


In this life changing, experiential workshop you will learn how you can:


  • Feel renewed, re-energised & totally inspired to get back to work & make the most of your life

  • Feel a deep sense of inner love & connection that transforms all your relationships

  • Re-set your natural state of inner peace & confidence as you step back into being your best, highest self

  • Permanently let go of any insecurity, self-doubt and fear that may have been holding you back until now

  • Feel a surge of spiritual energy that impacts every aspect of your day (and keeps getting stronger over time)

  • Be much more present more of the time, so you feel in the zone with your family & friends and super-productive and unstoppable at work

  • Be in touch with you inner-most intuition and feel Allah's guidance through every moment of every day.

I am ready for a Peaceful Heart ...

90% OFF Special Offer (Regular Pricing $999)

Pay in Full

  • Attend live & ask questions

  • Lifetime access


Full Payment

Pay Monthly

  • Attend live & ask questions

  • Lifetime access


2 X Monthly Payments

BONUS: Peaceful Heart Breakthrough Session with Kathryn

​Value $499

During this one on one sessions with me, we'll work together to ...

  • Create a crystal clear vision of your personal purpose in this life, how Allah created you to worship Him in this life.

  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging you ability to live the life you desire, pleasing to Allah and therefore pleasing to your heart.

  • Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to live your life to it's fullest, with passion, motivation and certainty that you are on the right path.


  • Maryline David, Ireland

    "Working with Kathryn was the best investment I made in myself last year. Not only did it strengthen my relationship to Allah, it also helped me increase in self-confidence. I feel deeply transformed, and have grown in Tawakkul (putting trust in Allah), authenticity and self-awareness. I’m so grateful I was able to take part of this as it has helped me going through the storms of life much more peacefully." 

  • Rayesa Gheewala, High Performance Coach, USA

    "Working with Kathryn has transformed my life with profound shifts in my thinking. I have been able to be so present, calm and connected to Allah that it feels it’s just Him and me. So I can conquer any challenge that comes my way. I feel His guidance in every step I take with full confidence. That means not having the fears I did before of people and circumstances and that there are no limits except the ones I put on myself. Kathryn’s leadership and dynamics of the support group have brought me closer than I ever imagined to my Creator. I’ve been her student for over two years and am so grateful Allah brought us together."

  • Sajida Sacranie, Peaceful Parenting Leader, Ireland

    "The worst enemy you could ever have in life is yourself. I found it hard to love myself and blamed everyone around me for everything that was wrong in my life. When I joined Kathryn, I learnt and began to under- stand [that] feelings come from thought in the moment. I realised how much power I had within myself. This new understanding has given me a new lens to see my life with. I am in a place of peace – from darkness into light – in tune with the reality of how things really are as I continue to learn and understand deeper and see life with more clarity. You can really be peaceful inside out." 

I am ready for a Peaceful Heart ...

90% OFF Special Offer (Regular Pricing $999)

Pay in Full

  • Attend live & ask questions

  • Lifetime access


Full Payment

Pay Monthly

  • Attend live & ask questions

  • Lifetime access


2 X Monthly Payments

About The Trainer

Kathryn Jones

Emotional & Spiritual Resilience Coach

Kathryn’s mission is to make a difference in the Muslim world by empowering Muslim adults and children to realise their potential through learning about the innate resilience and mental health that all human beings possess. She goes to the source of the misunderstandings that prevent people from recognising their in-built well-being (their Fitrah).


She is the founder of the Back To The Fitrah Academy, dedicated to the development of certified facilitators and mentors of the Back To The Fitrah suite of programs across the globe. Kathryn’s combination of formal and informal education along with personal and professional experience have given her a unique perspective and approach to the topic of emotional & spiritual resilience.

© Copyright 2020 Back To The Fitrah Academy